Metabolic Tune Up!
Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Billing Address
Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip Code / Postal Code:

Let's Get Fit and Healthy Together!

4 Month Personalized Health and Fitness +
One on One Coaching with Dr. Stone!
  • Optichem Lab Testing: Before - to identify your physical and physiological needs.  After - to measure our improvements!
  • Dr. Stone Coaching: I'll specifically create a program for you based on your needs - including Herbs, Acupressure, & Movement to improve energy, metabolism, and organ health.  Live Coaching every 2 weeks (zoom/video)
  • Meds: Custom blended herbs to strengthen weaknesses, repair from stress and resolve inflammation.
  • Membership: Lock in a $7 membership for life - including acupressure for all symptoms and conditions, rehab for every body part, movement for amazing mobility, and unlimited access to DrStone (email).
Step #3: Check out
4 payments of $397
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated

My Promise to You!

If you follow this program, take your herbs, press your points, & move your body - in 3 months, you will hear... "You look really good, what are you doing?"  And then you get to tell people about True Health!  

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy... - All Rights Reserved - - | TermsofService | Privacy